Insects & Native Animals
There are a lot of native animals and birds along with quite a few insects, generally they are ok and are fascinating to watch. There needs to be some care at times but remember most animals are more scared of you than you are of them!
Mosquitoes and Ticks
We have mosquito repellent and tick treatments in the main bathroom cabinet. First Aid Kits are in both bathroom cabinets. There are also mosquito repellents in power points around the house just click them on.
Wallabies, Goanna’s, Scrub Turkeys , Lyrebirds, Snakes and Cockatoos
As we back onto national park there are sometimes native visitors to the house. At night you may hear wallabies thumping by (to try to eat the garden) and you may see or hear Scrub Turkeys and Lyre Birds.
Sometimes Cockatoos come on to the deck wanting to be fed - PLEASE DO NOT FEED THEM AS WHEN NO-ONE IS AROUND TO FEED THEM THEY START DESTROYING THE HOUSE!
Goannas sometimes walk up to the house and it is best to keep your distance from them and let them move on. We often leave all the sliding doors to the deck open and if you do this it is best to put the little barrier across the deck near the stairs so that goannas don’t come wandering into the house. The barrier can also assist in keeping your dog securely in the house and on the deck.
With snakes just be aware that they may be around and they are normally more scared of us than of you. Very very rarely you may see a snake sun baking on the rock platforms or stairs and they should slither away if they are aware of you. In the very unlikely event of a snake bit the First Aid Kit is in the bathroom cupboard and call an ambulance immediately.